Commentator dresses in same busty fetish gear as trans teacher to prove point
Rebel News' David Menzies joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss the latest on a trans teacher in Canada who wears giant prosthetic breasts modeled in class.
Rebel News journalist David Menzies appeared on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to bust open some hypocrisy in the ongoing controversy involving a transgender Ontario high school shop teacher who has received international attention for wearing giant prosthetic breasts in class.
Menzies, who dressed in full costume as the teacher during the interview, insisted the teacher "breaks every shop etiquette rule in the book."
"I went there to the Halton District School Board back in October dressed exactly like ‘Busty’ Lemieux, the sheer blouse with the nipples protruding, the blond hair, the bicycle shorts," Menzies told Fox News' Tucker Carlson.

A shop teacher in Ontario has made international headlines for wearing prosthetic breasts to school. (Tucker Carlson Tonight/Screenshot)
"And here's the thing about the hypocrisy of the Halton District School Board, Tucker. They're all down with the radical transgender agenda- but only when it's in front of the kids. When it's in front of their school board meeting, they actually fled the room," Menzies continued.
Menzies told Carlson he had been "banned for life" from appearing at the future Halton District School Board meetings for apparently "asking impolite questions."

Rebel News' David Menzies mocked the Ontario school drama by dressing up as the shop teacher with giant prosthetic breasts. (Fox News Channel)
However, school board members may continue to be asked questions they don't like about the trans teacher and her controversial attire. On Jan. 3, the Board of Trustees passed a motion requesting the director of education develop a professionalism policy "to maintain appropriate and professional standards of dress and decorum in the classroom," according to the Halton District School Board.
"The news, Tucker, is that earlier this month, the HDSB trustees approved the request to the education director. His name is Curtis Ennis (he/him). And what they want to do is craft the professionalism policy to maintain appropriate and professional standards of dress in the classroom," Menzies said. "Now maybe you and your viewers are saying 'Wait a minute, isn't this deja vu all over again? Didn't they look into this back in November?' And yes, they did. And it was rejected in November by Sari Taha, who was who is their human resources superintendent."
"What would change from November until March, I don't think anything has, and also that director of education… he released a statement where he essentially said that he might veto a dress code recommendation, that they will continue to be you know, answerable to human rights, equity, et cetera, et cetera. So the HDSB is kind of like professional wrestling, nothing is real until it happens," Menzies added.
Menzies assured viewers that he did not attach himself to a "fetish lifestyle" or become a "drag queen storyteller for hire."

The Ontario teacher wears huge prosthetic breasts to class. ((Screengrab/ Tucker Carlson Tonight))
The teacher, whom the district has refused to identify, went viral in September after videos of the giant prosthetic breasts and nipple surfaced. The Canadian teacher works at Oakville Trafalgar High School.
Some have argued that the district was required by Canadian law to allow the transgender teachers to dress as they please, while others have said the attire is sexual, and therefore extremely inappropriate to be worn around minor children.
The trustees have requested the dress and decorum policy be presented in a report by March 1, 2023, with an interim report in February 2023.
Fox News' Hannah Grossman contributed to this report.