Closed SC salon losing business as customers go across border to GA: 'We are ready to open'

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A South Carolina salon owner said Thursday that she is losing business as customers flock to now partially reopened Georgia while her shop is forced to remain closed under state coronavirus restrictions.


In an interview on the "Fox & Friends" with host Steve Doocy, Bloom Salon Spa Boutique owner Brenda Quick stated Thursday that her business in Aiken, South Carolina is ready to reopen as well.

"Well, you know, we understand that they want to get their hair cut. They have color needs. They may be doing Zoom conference calls or Skyping with business professionals and then some...essential businesses are still open. So, people are still out and about and they are doing their daily routines and they want to look good and feel good," she explained. "So, we kind of understand that that's going to happen, but it is disappointing when they're 20 minutes away. So, it's difficult for those girls and guys in the barbering the hairstyling industry that cannot work when others can."

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster is seeking election to a first full term. (AP)

Quick noted that in her seven-chair salon, she has six stylists, a cosmetology student, and a receptionist who have all been out of work and for the month of April none of them were receiving any income because unemployment filings were processed.

"So, it's been difficult. You know, it's disheartening when we know we are prepared and we're safe. We have a protocol that's been presented to the governor. And, we just haven't heard any movement on it. We keep getting promises, but nothing yet. So, we're anxious to open. We are ready to open. We have our PPE. We are ready to go."

In addition to slow rollouts of unemployment money, the Bloom Salon Spa Boutique did not qualify for a small business loan.

"If Governor McMaster doesn't open up the salons and barbershops shortly, what's going to happen to you and your business and the people who work for you?" Doocy asked.

"We are hanging on," Quick replied. "Honestly, Steve, it's tough."


"I saved for a rainy day. I never thought a rainy day was going to last 40 days," she remarked. "So, it's been difficult to keep things moving."

"There are still bills to pay even though our doors are not open and we're not making any money. So, we would love to see things open back up," she told Doocy. "Like I said, we have all our PPE. We have a protocol already in place for guests coming in social distancing. You know, we're ready. Let's get this over with."

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