FBI director trying to avoid accountability: Josh Hawley
Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley said FBI Director Christopher Wray avoided answering questions at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about Hunter Biden's laptop, saying he would look into the issues more on 'Jesse Watters Primetime.'
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said FBI Director Christopher Wray couldn't answer basic questions about whistleblower claims that the FBI and DOJ colluded with Big Tech to cover up information about Hunter Biden on "Jesse Watters Primetime."
SEN. JOSH HAWLEY: Every single time, it's to come up and say, "I don’t know what you’re talking about, I can’t answer these questions, I’m not sure, I’ll have to get back to you, senator." Listen, this is an avoidance of accountability. The truth is, these whistleblowers have now said over and over that the FBI colluded with the Big Tech companies, by the way, to try and bury the Hunter Biden story, to try to protect Joe Biden, to try to interfere frankly in the reporting about the 2020 election. And it looks like they got by with it, and it looks like nobody's been disciplined and nothing has been done about it. And I tell you what, that is a big, big problem.
You've got to start holding these people accountable. You’ve got to start firing people. At the end of the day, that's what needs to happen here. It should start with Wray. You mentioned Donald Trump. Let’s remember that in 2016, the FBI lied to a secret court, falsified evidence in order to get a wiretap on the Trump campaign and then lied about it. It was so bad, the court said that they didn't have any confidence in what the DOJ and the FBI were telling them in other cases. And yet all of those people are still employed at the FBI and the DOJ. All of them should be gone. The director should be gone. Merrick Garland should be gone for what he’s done since he’s been in office. That's how you get some accountability.