Hannity: Biden's recent gaffes have become a national security issue
Fox News host raises concerns after President Biden falls up steps while boarding Air Force One
In Friday's "Hannity" opening monologue, Fox News host Sean Hannity sounded the alarm that President Joe Biden's recent gaffes and stumble while boarding Air Force One have become "a nightmare scenario."
HANNITY: Honestly, I watched this. It was sad. You got to almost feel sorry for Joe Biden. From what we can clearly observe now on pretty much a daily basis, he is obviously not doing well. He wasn’t doing well on the campaign. And the scary part of it is, now this is a national security issue.
Because it's not just Sean Hannity making an observation that Joe Biden is in fact weak, and frail, and struggling cognitively. Guess what? More than half the country agrees with me. The whole world can see what we see every day, including hostile regimes, hostile actors and America’s enemies.
Look at Vladimir Putin, openly mocking the President of the United States of America, challenging him to a debate and then saying ‘I hope you’re better, I hope you’re feeling better, good health.’ The Chinese are now literally spitting at the U.S. and our public image on a public stage like they did yesterday. It was a disaster. Then we had groveling and another apology tour beginning. The mullahs in Iran, they are emboldened. This is now a nightmare scenario.