Fox News' Gregg Jarrett said House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff appears to be guilty of the same offense he claims President Trump has committed.

In an interview Tuesday on "The Ingraham Angle," Jarrett said Schiff is ignoring established legal precedent by depriving Trump and the Republican Party of due process.

Schiff, D-Calif., did not allow the Republicans to call witnesses before his committee while they considered impeachment, and has not allowed the GOP to speak with the Ukraine whistleblower, Jarrett noted.

"Schiff, in particular, is guilty of abuse of power himself because he is defying the dictates of the federal courts that have said due process applies to congressional investigations -- which would include impeachment," he said.


Jarrett said Schiff "cut off cross-examination" during the hearings and has "essentially railroaded" the impeachment measures through Congress.

Later in the interview, Jarrett told host Laura Ingraham that Schiff appears to have "colluded" with the whistleblower to "invent a pretext" for impeaching Trump.

He said Republicans now appear reluctant to call the Bidens in any prospective Senate impeachment trial but added that Schiff should "account for his own actions and how [the impeachment process] all began."

In his first public remarks since Democrats formally announced articles of impeachment against him, Trump called the two charges leveled against him “weak” and said the only reason Democrats agreed to a modified North American trade deal was because of impeachment.


Speaking on the White House lawn before departing for a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Trump called it a “disgrace” to “make impeachment out of nothing,” while touting both the strength of the economy and recent polling that showed him ahead of his Democratic rivals in the 2020 presidential race.

Trump’s comments came hours after House Democrats announced two articles of impeachment against the president on Tuesday morning, saying that his actions toward Ukraine “betrayed the nation.” The specific charges: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Fox News' Andrew O'Reilly contributed to this report.