Whoopi Goldberg says she supports expanding the Supreme Court following Dobbs decision
Whoopi Goldberg suggested expanding the Supreme Court on Thursday in the wake of the Dobbs decision.
In a podcast interview with disgraced former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, Whoopi Goldberg blasted the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision, claiming that it has forced mothers to carry a "toxic thing" inside them.
Goldberg’s statements were made in reference to nonviable pregnancies that might also threaten the health of the mother. Still, she used the words "toxic thing" to describe an unborn human life.
The actress, comedian, and co-host of ABC’s "The View" made her comments during a Tuesday evening interview on "The Chris Cuomo Project" podcast. The two liberals talked about the state of politics in the United States and how divided people in the country are.

Whoopi Goldberg spoke to Chris Cuomo on his podcast about the state of politics in America. She vehemently denounced the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade.
Goldberg made several references to pro-life conservatives and how they want to use their religion to control women’s bodies during the hour-long interview, though her worst comments on the subject involved dehumanizing the unborn child as a "toxic thing."
Goldberg started by mentioning her political opponents hating her for her views. She said, "People make their decisions about why they hate your guts. People hate my guts – they say, ‘You’re always talking about the negative aspect of stuff.’"
She claimed that the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade has prompted much of negative views lately. She claimed, "Well you know, I think it is negative that you changed a law that’s 50 years old that you didn’t do enough homework about to see what the consequences were gonna be for women."
She hammered home this idea that the Supreme Court Justices who decided Dobbs were not considerate enough in their judgment. "Not just Black women, or Asian women or Hispanic women – just women in general! You changed the law without even saying, without even having the information of what that means for someone who has a, uh, difficulty in the pregnancy that requires that they not keep this toxic thing in."
She then blasted those who recognize a fetal heartbeat early on in pregnancy, saying, "And you think because there’s a heartbeat – you think there’s a heartbeat – you’re not thinking about, ‘Is the child viable? Does the child have a brain and hands and arms.’"

"The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg regularly rails against pro-life conservatives on her ABC talk show. (Screenshot/ABC/TheView)
She continued, claiming that pro-lifers’ efforts to humanize the unborn baby ignore the suffering of underage girls who may get pregnant. She said, "You’re not thinking about how did this little girl get pregnant. You’ve made no space."
She added, "And to me, the fact that you didn’t even have the courtesy to sit down with a doctor and say, ‘What are the various things that this entails?’ Now we’re trying to figure out what to do."
Goldberg has been railing against the Dobbs decision ever since it happened in late June. While co-hosting "The View," she has slammed conservatives for trying to take away women’s rights by promoting the end of Roe v. Wade and various states’ abortion restrictions.
In August, she implied that God supports abortion because He has given humanity free will to choose the procedure.

"The View" co-host Whoopi Goldberg called an unborn baby in a nonviable pregnancy a "toxic thing." (iStock)