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Tucker Carlson reacted Wednesday to reporters and some figures on the left expressing outrage that President Trump has taken to calling the coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, the "Chinese virus."

The "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host stated that China's Communist rulers know that "wokeness" and political correctness can cause great discord in America and stifle certain ideas, including discussion about China's suppression of information about the initial outbreak of the virus.


Carlson recalled that the Global Times newspaper, which he characterized as an English-language Chinese propaganda news outlet, reported in January that eight doctors had been arrested for spreading rumors about a pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan.

"Those rumors were shared ... on WeChat -- that's a Chinese social media app," the host said. "Now it is obvious what they were warning about: During the week of Jan. 11 through Jan. 17, Wuhan authorities insisted there were no new cases of this mysterious disease. That, of course, was a lie, and a deadly one."

Carlson added that the coronavirus pandemic was entirely preventable but has become a worldwide contagion because the Chinese government hid the truth about the disease -- and continues to do so.

"People outside of China, including in this country, are playing along as if on script," Carlson remarked before criticizing media members for asking President Trump why he continues to refer to the coronavirus as the "Chinese virus."

Carlson said it must be either "stupidity or greed" that enables the press to bog down Trump's briefings with such questions.


"That’s what the media is talking about in the middle of a life-threatening pandemic: The Chinese know this," he said. "They know that wokeness is our Achilles’ heel and they know they can control us with it."

"They know," Carlson added, "that any conversation in this country, no matter how serious, can be shut down instantly by somebody ... saying 'racism!' And that is why they are pushing it."

"They're beneath loathsome," the host concluded.