
A new obesity treatment that combines two drugs has shown to result in double the weight loss for patients, and can be used as a long-term medication, Agence France-Presse reported.

A study by Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C., showed that a combination of Phentermine and topiramate, sold under the brand name of Topamax was more effective in weight loss than the popular orlistat, sold under the name Xenical or Alli.

Phentermine is already popular in the United States as a short-term weight loss drug. Topiramate is used for the treatment of seizure disorders and migraines, but has also shown effectiveness in weight loss for patients with type 2 diabetes.

In addition to weight loss, the drug improved indicators for blood pressure, sugar levels, and inflammation, according to the study, which was conducted over a 20-month period with 2,500 obese adults.

The study results were published in The Lancet.

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