
Sofia Vergara always seems game for anything when she visits a talk show host, and on “The Tonight Show” on Tuesday, that was completely appropriate.

She and host Jimmy Fallon teamed up against actor James Marsden and Fallon’s sidekick Steve Higgins for a game of Catch Phrase.

“You always make me do these weird American games that I don’t know how to play,” Vergara complained to Fallon, adding that she was too tired to high-five him.

She looked good and confused while Fallon explained the rules of the game, in which one person tries to get their partner to say a word or phrase without saying any portion of the term.

“Can I say the words in Spanish?” she asked. “No,” was the answer.

For the team's first word, Fallon got "ladybug."

“It’s an insect. It’s read and has black dots on it,” Fallon said.

The Colombian actress guessed correctly right away, just not in the correct language. “Una mariquita!” she yelled, confusing the other contestants. Vergara was able to remember the  English term.

During Vergara's turn to give the clues, things didn't go so smoothly. The phrase she had to get Fallon to say: "Birthday suit."

“What I sleep in,” she started. “My outfit for sleeping.”

“Flannel pajamas,” Fallon guessed.

“No, no!” she barked at him. “Look at me!”

“Lingerie?” the host tried again.

“No, better than that. Less than that,” she replied. “They also say it when you give birth, when a woman gives birth."

Even though Vergara technically broke the rules by saying "birth," Fallon wasn’t able to get the answer before time ran out.

“I’m not playing with you anymore,” Vergara complained. “What could be more easy than when I said, ‘What I sleep in'?”

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