
Manuela Arbelaez apparently woke up feeling generous.

The Colombian-born “Price is Right” model was turning cards over on Thursday for the part of the show when the contestant tries to win a new car by guessing its correct value. The contestant at first incorrectly guessed that the Hyundai Sonata SE was $19,849, and a smiling Arbelaez flipped a card, revealing the wrong answer.

Inexplicably, seconds later Arbelaez then turned over the next card – revealing the right price.

“Congratulations, Manuela just got you a car," said host Drew Carey.

A shocked Arbelaez fumbled to put the card back, then covered her mouth in horror. She then tried to hide behind the game board while the contestant raised her arms in celebration.

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“I won it!” the contestant yelled.

The viral clip apparently did not get Arbelaez in trouble. She took to Twitter to announce that her bosses took the gaffe in stride.

"For those of you asking: the producers and @DrewFromTV couldn't have been more supportive and understanding. I'm not in trouble :) phew!"

She also joked about her mistake, saying helping someone win a car made her feel like Oprah.

"Hey @Oprah now I know what it feels like to be you! Whenever you feel like giving cars away on the show let me know. @PriceIsRight"

She also joked that her blunder showed her generous streak.

I don't usually give expensive gifts, but when I do is a $21,960 CAR. #YoureWelcomeAndrea #WokeUpFeelingGenerous pic.twitter.com/cL84sZAGxG

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