
Pink hit back at “negative Nancys” Sunday night who claimed the singer cringed during Christina Aguilera’s performance at the 2017 American Music Awards.

As Aguilera took the stage during her Whitney Houston tribute, the camera flashed to Pink for a brief moment where she was seen furrowing her eyebrows and appearing unimpressed. The clip immediately went viral and viewers quickly took to social media to criticize the singer. Pink took to Twitter to address the incident.

“Yes. THIS. Christina f--king killed it tonight for one of our favorite singers ever. This about Whitney, and I am in awe of Christina's talent. Show the clip where I'm in tears, you negative Nancy's,” Pink tweeted.

Her comment included a retweet of Fuse TV’s Mark Sundstrom tweet, saying: “@Pink and @Xtina deaded their beef last year and have been FRIENDS since, respecting each other’s amazing talent as grown women. stop creating something out of nothing @TheShadyFacts.”

Pink and Aguilera had a famous ongoing feud early in their music careers, but made amends and even worked together on the singing competition “The Voice” in 2016. Pink tweeted in August: “I [heart] Xtina, we've made amend.”

Pink also opened up to Andy Cohen on “Watch What Happens Live” in October about clashing with Aguilera.

She said, “She’s so talented and deep down I’ve had bad days, too.”

“She’s a really sweet person. We made up on 'The Voice.' I mean, it was funny, I laughed. I hadn’t seen her in years and years and years,” Pink said. “We became moms. We grew up. We hugged it out. It’s that simple. I feel so good about that.”

Pink also received praise for her AMA performance with Kelly Clarkson Sunday night.