
Oprah Winfrey joined Weight Watchers in October and it seems the Smart Points plan is working wonders for the 61-year-old media mogul.

“So excited because today was my Weight Watchers weigh-in,” Oprah announced on Facebook during a “great 7-point lunch” on Friday. “For the first time in the history of my adult life -- since I was like, 23, 24 -- I did not gain a pound during the holidays.”

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Gaining weight during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season is something that even the “Queen of All Media” isn’t immune to. Oprah admitted in the video that she usually gains eight to 10 pounds during the holiday season, but this year, she actually lost weight.

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“Not only did I not gain a pound, I actually lost three,” she revealed. “Three pounds. During the holidays. Smart Points. Come join me.”

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The TV mogul signed a five-year deal with Weight Watchers in October, and released a moving ad detailing her past struggles with weight loss.

“Inside every overweight woman, is a woman she knows she can be,” Oprah says in the spot. “Nothing you’ve ever been through is wasted. So, every time I tried and failed, every time I tried again, and every time I tried again, has brought me to this most powerful moment, to say, if not now, when?”

WATCH: Oprah's Powerful Weight Watchers Commercial Is Bringing People to Tears