
Feminists beware: the new TLC special “Submissive Wives’ Guide To Marriage” is sure to stir a hot debate by showing marriages in which the woman caters to her husband’s every need and allows him to be the king of the castle.

And that means he gets plenty of sex, too—even when she’s not in the mood.

On the show, airing this Sunday, two couples, Tim and Tara Furman and Eddie and Autumn Miles, are already in submissive wife marriages while Mark and Kristin Haywood are trying the idea out to save their struggling union.

Tara reveals the first ten years of her marriage weren’t easy and she begged God to change her husband. But she says God told her SHE needed to change.

Cameras capture mom-of-two Tara, now an experienced “submissive wife,” claiming she and Tim have a joyful marriage because she greets him with snacks and affection when he gets home from work--and she also lets him make the major family decisions.

According to Tara, a wife’s “job description is to help her man, serve her man, submit to her man, and sleep with her man.”

In fact, a preview clip from the show reveals Tara hugging her husband and whispering in his ear, “Want to go upstairs for a quickie?”

“It’s wrong to deprive my husband of sex so I am always available…even if I’m not in the mood,” she tells TLC cameras.

North Carolina resident Tara also mentors Kristin, who has upset her husband Mark by lying on the couch instead of doing household chores and won’t sleep in the same bed with him.

Tara bluntly tells Kristin that her 12-year marriage is in trouble because she doesn’t give Mark enough sex.

Tara, the founder of Knowing God Ministries, who gives speeches to women’s groups, advises Kristin, 39, to dress like a “hoochie mama” to please Mark.

Meanwhile, Kristin’s mother-in-law doubts she will be able to follow Tara's advice and become a submissive wife.

"Submissive Wives’ Guide To Marriage” airs Sunday, May 17 on TLC.