
HBO’s “Westworld” actress Shannon Woodward made a shocking return to the show last week after being recently most known for her anti-Trump invective, including comparing the president to a member of KKK and celebrating when Trump Tower had a fatal fire.

The return of Woodward as Elsie Hughes ‒ a character believed to be dead on the popular show ‒ was celebrated by many devoted followers of the program, weeks after Woodward decried fans for “mansplaining” about her character’s future.

"Last year I had a lot of people telling me their theories, and trying to convince me that they were right," Woodward told feminist magazine Marie Claire. "I tried to be kind to them about it because I was so glad that they were enjoying the show, but at some point it got to sound a lot like mansplaining. I was like, 'You know I've read the scripts, right? I do know what happens and that's not what happens.'"

But her increasingly combative public persona makes her return to the show even more shocking.

Last month, when there was a fatal apartment fire at New York City's Trump Tower, Woodward and other celebrities cheered and joked about the blaze, suggesting the president started the fire to burn evidence.

“Burn the evidence?” Woodward tweeted, referring to proof that Trump has colluded with a foreign government.

The fire took the life of Todd Brassner, a 67-year-old art dealer. Four firefighters were also injured in the blaze.

The actress, who’s often seen paling around with “American Idol” star Katy Perry – a vocal supporter of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton – has also taken numerous other direct shots at Trump. “You are a stain on our entire species,” she once wrote.

Among her attacks on the president, the actress compared Trump to a member of the Ku Klux Klan. “The only thing that surprises me about what @realdonaldtrump said today is that he forgot to put his white robe on while he said it?”

“Get the f--- out of the people's house. Take your hood with you. There's no place for your kind in this world,” she added in another tweet.

Woodward also repeatedly fantasized about Trump being pursued by law enforcement authorities, writing: “I dreamed I was on the run from the FBI. I’ve gotta say, I woke up VERY appreciative that I’ve never told lies to get me in trouble like that and THRILLED to have felt what an anxiety ridden nightmare Trump’s life must be like now. He’s earned it!”

“You’re going to find out you’ve been indicted while you’re tweeting on a toilet,” she noted in another tweet.

HBO did not immediately return Fox News' request for comment regarding the decision to bring back Woodward.