2024 Fox News Voter Analysis
Uncover the 2024 Fox News Voter Analysis. View the results and see how different demographics voted in the 2024 General Elections. The Fox News Voter Analysis overcomes the limitations of in-person exit polls and captures the views of all Americans.
The Fox News Voter Analysis, conducted in partnership with the Associated Press, provides a comprehensive look at voting behavior, opinions, and preferences as America votes. It is based on surveys of the U.S. electorate conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago with voting results from The Associated Press. For the 2024 General Election, the FNVA results are based on a probability sample of registered voters drawn from state voter files, samples of self-identified registered voters from a probability-based national panel, and samples of self-identified registered voters from opt-in online panels. The FNVA survey of the American electorate was conducted in all 50 states, October 28 to November 5, concluding at the end of voting on Election Day.
Full Methodology Statement Filter Questions
2024 Presidential - National
Do you describe yourself as a man, a woman, nonbinary or in some other way?
Do you describe yourself as a man, a woman, nonbinary or in some other way? | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
Men | 45% | 43% | 55% | 1% |
Women | 54% | 52% | 46% | 1% |
Nonbinary/Other | 1% | 73% | 21% | 4% |
Sample: 119,967 Respondents
What is your age?
What is your age? | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
18-29 | 16% | 51% | 47% | 2% |
30-44 | 25% | 50% | 47% | 2% |
45-64 | 32% | 46% | 52% | 1% |
65+ | 27% | 48% | 51% | 1% |
Sample: 119,826 Respondents
What is your age?
What is your age? | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
18-44 | 41% | 51% | 47% | 2% |
45+ | 59% | 47% | 52% | 1% |
Sample: 119,826 Respondents
Gender, age 2 categories
Gender, age 2 categories | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
18-44 men | 18% | 45% | 53% | 2% |
18-44 women | 21% | 55% | 44% | 2% |
45+ men | 27% | 42% | 57% | 1% |
45+ women | 32% | 51% | 48% | 1% |
All others | 1% | 73% | 21% | 4% |
Sample: 119,776 Respondents
What is your racial or ethnic heritage?
What is your racial or ethnic heritage? | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
White | 75% | 43% | 56% | 1% |
African American or Black | 10% | 83% | 16% | 1% |
Latino or Hispanic | 10% | 55% | 43% | 2% |
Other | 5% | 55% | 41% | 2% |
Sample: 119,861 Respondents
What is your racial or ethnic heritage?
What is your racial or ethnic heritage? | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
White | 75% | 43% | 56% | 1% |
Non-white | 25% | 66% | 32% | 1% |
Sample: 119,861 Respondents
Gender, race 4 categories
Gender, race 4 categories | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
White men | 35% | 38% | 60% | 1% |
White women | 40% | 46% | 53% | 1% |
Black men | 4% | 74% | 25% | 1% |
Black women | 6% | 89% | 10% | 1% |
Latino men | 4% | 49% | 48% | 2% |
Latino women | 5% | 59% | 39% | 1% |
All others | 6% | 58% | 38% | 3% |
Sample: 119,829 Respondents
Gender, race 2 categories
Gender, race 2 categories | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
White men | 35% | 38% | 60% | 1% |
White women | 40% | 46% | 53% | 1% |
Non-white men | 11% | 59% | 39% | 2% |
Non-white women | 14% | 72% | 26% | 1% |
All others | 1% | 73% | 21% | 4% |
Sample: 119,813 Respondents
Age 2 categories, race 4 categories
Age 2 categories, race 4 categories | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
White 18-44 | 28% | 45% | 53% | 1% |
White 45+ | 47% | 41% | 58% | 1% |
Black 18-44 | 5% | 76% | 22% | 1% |
Black 45+ | 5% | 89% | 10% | 1% |
Latino 18-44 | 6% | 55% | 42% | 2% |
Latino 45+ | 4% | 54% | 44% | 1% |
All other races | 5% | 55% | 41% | 2% |
Sample: 119,723 Respondents
Age 2 categories, race 2 categories
Age 2 categories, race 2 categories | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
White 18-44 | 28% | 45% | 53% | 1% |
White 45+ | 47% | 41% | 58% | 1% |
Non-white 18-44 | 12% | 63% | 34% | 2% |
Non-white 45+ | 12% | 69% | 29% | 1% |
Sample: 119,694 Respondents
Which best describes your level of education?
Which best describes your level of education? | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
High school or less | 24% | 39% | 59% | 1% |
Some college/assoc. degree | 32% | 45% | 53% | 1% |
College graduate | 28% | 52% | 46% | 2% |
Postgraduate study | 17% | 61% | 38% | 1% |
Sample: 119,959 Respondents
Which best describes your level of education?
Which best describes your level of education? | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
No college degree | 55% | 43% | 56% | 1% |
College degree | 45% | 56% | 43% | 1% |
Sample: 119,959 Respondents
Gender, education 2 categories
Gender, education 2 categories | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
Non college men | 24% | 37% | 61% | 1% |
College men | 21% | 50% | 48% | 2% |
Non college women | 31% | 46% | 52% | 1% |
College women | 23% | 60% | 38% | 1% |
All others | 1% | 73% | 21% | 4% |
Sample: 119,894 Respondents
Age 2 categories, education 2 categories
Age 2 categories, education 2 categories | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
18-44 non college | 23% | 45% | 53% | 2% |
18-44 college | 18% | 58% | 40% | 2% |
45+ non college | 32% | 41% | 58% | 1% |
45+ college | 27% | 54% | 45% | 1% |
Sample: 119,762 Respondents
Education 2 categories, race 2 categories
Education 2 categories, race 2 categories | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
White non college | 40% | 34% | 64% | 1% |
White college | 35% | 52% | 46% | 1% |
Non-white non college | 15% | 65% | 33% | 1% |
Non-white college | 9% | 69% | 29% | 2% |
Sample: 119,791 Respondents
Gender, education 2 categories, race 2 categories
Gender, education 2 categories, race 2 categories | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
White non college men | 17% | 30% | 69% | 1% |
White non college women | 22% | 37% | 62% | 1% |
White college men | 17% | 47% | 51% | 2% |
White college women | 18% | 56% | 42% | 1% |
Non-white non college men | 7% | 57% | 41% | 1% |
Non-white non college women | 9% | 71% | 28% | 1% |
Non-white college men | 4% | 62% | 36% | 2% |
Non-white college women | 5% | 75% | 23% | 1% |
All others | 1% | 73% | 21% | 4% |
Sample: 119,744 Respondents
In which of these categories is your total yearly household income, that is, of everyone living in your family household? Was your total household income in 2023...
In which of these categories is your total yearly household income, that is, of everyone living in your family household? Was your total household income in 2023... | Total | Harris | Trump | Other |
Under $25,000 | 12% | 50% | 48% | 1% |
$25,000-$49,999 | 20% | 47% | 51% | 1% |
$50,000-$74,999 | 20% | 46% | 53% | 1% |
$75,000-$99,999 | 17% | 46% | 53% | 1% |
$100,000 or more | 30% | 52% | 46% | 1% |
Sample: 119,098 Respondents
Was your total household income in 2023...
Was your total household income in 2023... | Total |