Rooftop Revelations Rooftop Revelations: Worship of race and politics is dismantling America, Pastor Brooks says
VIDEO January 13 Rooftop Revelations: How the teachers union undermines my efforts to help kids Pastor and Project H.O.O.D. founder Corey Brooks says efforts to steer Southside kids away from materialism and towards faith, family and belief in themselves have been repeatedly undermined by Chicago Teachers Union
VIDEO January 6 Rooftop Revelations: Why do Americans ignore common sense about race relations? Pastor and Project H.O.O.D. founder Corey Brooks says Americans ignore common sense solutions on race relations because of the the benefits elite groups get from treating a ‘formerly oppressed’ people as 'forever oppressed'.
VIDEO December 23 Rooftop Revelations: Dem mayor poses as Chicago's savior. If only it were true Pastor and Project H.O.O.D. founder Corey Brooks slams Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson for his statements against President-elect Donald Trump and lack of support for city schools.
VIDEO December 23 Rooftop Revelations: Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord Pastor and Project H.O.O.D. founder Corey Brooks discusses the single boot donation that marked the beginning of Christmas donations meant for the less fortunate.
VIDEO November 26 Rooftop Revelations: Why so many people in my liberal city want to see me fail Pastor and Project H.O.O.D. founder Corey Brooks says democratic interests that purport to stand for the advancement of black people are rooting for him to fail for refusing to see everyone and every problem in terms of race
VIDEO November 19 Rooftop Revelations: People got rich off identity politics. Now, we’re moving on Chicago Pastor and Project H.O.O.D. founder Corey Brooks says social justice warriors and politicians got rich off playing the race card. Now with the election of Donald Trump to a second presidential term, it signals that it’s time to move on.
VIDEO November 11 Rooftop Revelations: Why my neighborhood rejected the Democrat lie about Trump Pastor and Project H.O.O.D. founder Corey Brooks says his Southside Chicago neighborhood has rejected the democrat smears of projected onto President-elect Donald Trump and now turns itself to discussing matters important to the community.
VIDEO October 28 Rooftop Revelations: Why we’re breaking the chains of the Democratic Party Chicago Pastor and Project H.O.O.D. founder Corey Brooks says more and more black voters are waking up and realizing the Democratic Party only delivers empty promises.
VIDEO October 21 Rooftop Revelations: Harris wants black men to vote for her. Here’s the problem Chicago Pastor and Project H.O.O.D. founder Corey Brooks says he’s stunned by the baldfaced efforts by Democrat elites to undercut American values with patronizing efforts to win the black male vote.
OPINION October 15 It's easy to bash Chicago. I challenge critics to do one thing to bring real change I serve as a pastor on the South Side of Chicago. We’ve become a society where we sit back and expect others, the government, or institutions to make sweeping societal changes.