The Perfect Pitch: New book teaches 'how to say it right the first time, every time'

For most people, it's easy to chatter about. But when the stakes are high – a job promotion, a wedding speech, or a business presentation – communicating becomes difficult, even frighteningly so.

Renowned media coach and Emmy-award winning correspondent Bill McGowan is now sharing his secrets of how to deliver the right message at the right time in his new book "Pitch Perfect."

“We get very formal in our words and how we structure our sentences," McGowan told Fox News Latino in describing how people's mind-sets change before a big pitch or speech. "We start to think that the definition of success is getting through the thing without some catastrophe happening, without completely coming unglued.”

But he said that’s not the right way to think.

“When your definition of success really should be: ‘Can I deliver this with real enthusiasm and try to persuade the people that are listening to me that I find this interesting?’ And that’s what I tell people when I coach them. I’d much rather you have a couple of hiccups and a couple of stumbles but really deliver it with that contagious enthusiasm for the value of what you have to share with people.”

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McGowan stresses people need to concentrate on brevity, less is in fact more, keep from being redundant, and prepare a little more before the big pitch or speech.

Watch the full interview above and you can purchase McGowan's book here in both English and Spanish.

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