Britain’s leftist Labour Party is pushing to abolish private schools to help dismantle “the privilege of a tiny,” according to reports.

Reuters reported that about 7 percent of British students are educated at private schools, who in turn dominate enrollment at top universities and are over-represented in senior roles in politics, law, media and business.

Finance policy chief John McDonnell told Sky News: “What we’re saying is ‘let’s have one education service for everybody. Let’s end these grotesque levels of inequality within our educational system.’”

British Labour MP John McDonnell speaks during the party's annual conference in Brighton on Monday. (REUTERS/Peter Nicholls)

British Labour MP John McDonnell speaks during the party's annual conference in Brighton on Monday. (REUTERS/Peter Nicholls)

Two-thirds of the cabinet of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who comes from an elite background, attended private school.

He is not a fan of the motion.

“This would cost 7 billion pounds of taxpayers’ money to educate at public expense all the pupils, all the children who would no longer be educated privately,” he told reporters on the plane to the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

He added, “It seems unbelievable to me that the Labour Party should now be setting out to abolish a load of schools.”

The current focus of Britain’s opposition Labour Party is winning a general election — expected within months — and bringing the left-wing party to power.