
That’s it. That’s your task. Create value. Then create more. And then never stop. Everything else is secondary, and everything else must follow behind.

Avoid the distractions.

So many entrepreneurs get bogged down with tasks that seem critically important at the time but are not related to the creation of value. For example, how much time do you spend responding to other people’s e-mail requests? How much of your life is invested in balancing the books, in managing outsourced subcontractors, or in putting out micro fires all around you? Yes, those things seem important but look at the list again. There is nothing there that creates value.

Related: Five ways to stop being busy and start being effective.

The revenue chase.

Early on in your entrepreneurial career you were probably told that revenue is the fuel that keeps small businesses alive. I cannot argue with that concept. But instead of asking “How do I get revenue?" entrepreneurs should ask “How do I create value?" Focus on the latter. It is the only path to long-term success.

Related: Create value -- not just buzz -- for your customers.

The good news.

Take a page from every successful entrepreneur ever. You’ll see something in common: they all excelled at creating tons of value. Jobs, Gates, Fields, Bezos, Corcoran, Branson, Winfrey, Robbins, Hsieh, Musk -- the list goes on and on. Yes, that is a list of people who made huge bank, but in every case that income was based on bringing a tremendous amount of value to the marketplace.

Related: Eight great entrepreneurial success stories.

In other words, bring enough value to the market and everything else -- yes, even the money -- follows thereafter.

Create value, and you can change the world!