
A Vietnam War veteran in Utah says he's surprised over the reason for the denial of his request for a personalized license plate commemorating the year he was wounded and awarded a Purple Heart.

Arnold Breitenbach of St. George sought a license plate with the letters CIB-69, representing the Combat Infantryman's Badge he received and the year he was awarded the Purple Heart.

The Spectrum newspaper of St. George reports ( http://bit.ly/1GWrVXn ) the Utah Division of Motor Vehicles denied his request, citing state regulations prohibiting the use of the number 69 because of its sexual connotations.

Breitenbach, who served as gunner on an armored Army personnel carrier, says he doesn't think everyone has such a dirty mind that they would be offended.

But he lost an appeal in January.


Information from: The Spectrum, http://www.thespectrum.com