
A northern Virginia woman says her family is grateful that authorities have arrested a suspect in a stabbing spree in three states that left her 15-year-old son injured.

Virginia Scott-Bey Kage (skaht-bay kayj) of Leesburg, Va., said Friday her son Anthony Kage Jr. was stabbed in the back while jogging Aug. 3. Scott-Bey Kage says he is recovering at home after undergoing surgery.

She says she learned Thursday that police had arrested Elias Abuelazam (eh-lee-AHS' ah-boo-ehl-ah-ZAHM') in Atlanta. Authorities say he's linked to stabbings in Michigan, Ohio and Virginia.

Scott-Bey Kage says it's "unbelievable" that someone would carry out such attacks and called the suspect an "evil person." She says she's glad he was captured.