
Two Colorado nurses have reportedly filed a lawsuit seeking compensation for the time it takes them to put on and take off their hospital scrubs.

The class action lawsuit was filed by two nurses at Aurora Medical Center in Aurora, Colo. Fiore and Lisa Stransky named HealthOne of Denver -- the parent company of Aurora Medical Center -- as the defendant, but they believe more employees of the hospital group both locally and nationwide will join in the lawsuit once their complaint is heard, CBS Denver reports.

As part of their job, the women are required to wear scrubs while on duty. Those scrubs are not allowed to leave the hospital and the process could add 15 minutes to their shift, the lawsuit claims.

“We have to go into a certain area not by the time clock, to find our size, which is not readily available and then change and then go back to the time clock and punch in,” Fiore told the station.

The nurses said the policy became an issue when they were written up specifically for attempting to clock in before they changed and for being late to their unit as a result of the scrub change. Attorney Kyle Bachus said 15 minutes doesn't seem like much, but it adds up over the course of a year.

In a statement, HealthOne said it has and "always will look for out for the best interest of our employees," including compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Click here for more on this report from CBS Denver.