
A special education instructor in Baytown, Texas recently resigned, stemming from an incident over the summer  in which she allegedly spit on a severely autistic student.

The 8-year-old student, not identified in internal documents obtained by ABC13, was said to have “severe disabilities,” and was spitting on the teacher.

The 43-year-old instructor reportedly came forward about her actions, reporting she “spit back at the student after he had spit at her repeatedly.” The teacher, who does have a valid teaching certificate, said it would not happen again.

Prior personal issues in addition to the most recent infraction prompted HR personnel to push for her firing, the report said. She resigned before termination.

“I can confirm that the employee voluntarily resigned. However, we are not at liberty to discuss employee performance issues or details about students due to confidentiality laws,” Beth Dombrowa, Goose Creek CISD Director of Communications commented in an email.

The incident occurred at David Crockett Elementary School, part of the Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School Dsitrict (CISD).

Eyewitness 13 reported there was a possibility the teacher would have been charged with Assault with Bodily Fluids, a Class C Misdemeanor, but this could not be confirmed.

CPS has been made aware of the situation.