
The way the stars aligned inside a Georgia planetarium caught the 22-year-old woman by surprise, spelling out the question: "Krystal Sanderson Will You Marry Me?"

Sanderson's boyfriend, Alan Gilbert, was behind the weekend message that appeared at the planetarium of the Museum of Arts & Sciences in Macon. One of their first dates had been under the stars, and they regularly enjoyed gazing up at the night sky.

So the 23-year-old Gilbert persuaded Sanderson to join him at the planetarium Sunday. The Telegraph newspaper reports (http://bit.ly/15OLWgV) the couple sat through a 30-minute show about prehistoric sea creatures before the big question appeared on screen — against a backdrop of Earth and stars while music played.

Others attending the show applauded when Sanderson, no longer in the dark, accepted the ring.


Information from: The Macon Telegraph, http://www.macontelegraph.com