
Prominent political figures killed in airplane crashes:

Aug. 9, 2010 — Former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens died when an amphibious plane crashed into a mountain in a remote section of Alaska.

October 25, 2002 — Sen. Paul Wellstone was killed in a plane crash along with his wife, daughter and five others near Eveleth, Minn. The crash occurred 12 days before the election.

Oct. 16, 2000 — Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan, his son and an aide were killed when their small plane crashed in bad weather in Missouri. Carnahan was running for the U.S. Senate.

April 3, 1996 — An Air Force jet carrying Commerce Secretary Ron Brown and other civilians crashed into a mountain in Croatia, killing all 35 aboard.

April 19, 1993 — South Dakota Gov. George Mickelson was killed along with seven other people when their state-owned plane crashes in a rainstorm in Iowa.

April 5, 1991 — Former Sen. John Tower and NASA astronaut Manley "Sonny" Carter Jr. were among those killed in crash of an Atlantic Southeast Airlines flight near Brunswick, Ga.

April 4, 1991 — Sen. John Heinz, R-Pa., was killed when his plane collides with a helicopter over Merion, Pa.

Aug. 13, 1989 — Rep. Larkin Smith, R-Miss., was killed along with his pilot when their Cessna 177 crashes in DeSoto National Forest in Mississippi.

Aug. 7, 1989 — Rep. Mickey Leland, a Texas Democrat, was killed when a plane crashed during a trip to inspect relief efforts in Ethiopia.

Sept. 1, 1983 — Rep. Larry McDonald, D-Ga., killed when Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was shot down by a Russian fighter.

Aug. 3, 1976 — Rep. Jerry Litton, D-Mo., his wife and two children were killed when their plane crashed in Missouri en route to an election party. Litton had just won the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate.

Feb. 14, 1975 — Rep. Jerry Pettis, R-Calif., was killed when his single-engine plane crashed into a mountain near Beaumont, Calif.

Dec. 8, 1972 — Rep. George W. Collins, D-Ill., was killed when his plane crashes on approach to Midway Airport in Chicago.

Oct. 16, 1972 — House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, D-La., and Rep. Nick Begich, D-Alaska, killed when their plane disappeared over Alaska.