
After a number of recent slashings across New York City, including an attack at a school in Brooklyn this week, parents are concerned about the city's policy on reporting violence in the classroom, according to Fox 5.

The incident at Legal Studies High School in East Williamsburg reportedly started when a 16-year-old girl went up to an 18-year-old in the hallway, punched her in the face, and then slashed her with a box cutter.

The union leader for the school safety agents warns lax discipline has created an unsafe environment.

"There is a reclassifation of crimes and we don't have the true sense of what is going on in schools," Gregory Floyd of Teamsters Local 237 says. Fox 5 News reports that school officials more often are giving written warnings to troublemaker students instead of suspending them.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and other city officials say school violence is on the decline. The city reports crimes and similar incidents in schools dropped 1 percent drop in 2015 compared to the previous year.

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