
The 65-31 roll call Saturday by which the Senate agreed to lift the "don't ask, don't tell" policy prohibiting gays from serving openly in the armed forces.

A "yes" vote is a vote to repeal the policy and to allow gays to serve openly.

Voting yes were 55 Democrats, 8 Republicans and 2 independents.

Voting no were 0 Democrats and 31 Republicans.

Sessions (R), No; Shelby (R), No.

Begich (D), Yes; Murkowski (R), Yes.

Kyl (R), No; McCain (R), No.

Lincoln (D), Yes; Pryor (D), Yes.

Boxer (D), Yes; Feinstein (D), Yes.

Bennet (D), Yes; Udall (D), Yes.

Dodd (D), Yes; Lieberman (I), Yes.

Carper (D), Yes; Coons (D), Yes.

LeMieux (R), No; Nelson (D), Yes.

Chambliss (R), No; Isakson (R), No.

Akaka (D), Yes; Inouye (D), Yes.

Crapo (R), No; Risch (R), No.

Durbin (D), Yes; Kirk (R), Yes.

Bayh (D), Yes; Lugar (R), No.

Grassley (R), No; Harkin (D), Yes.

Brownback (R), No; Roberts (R), No.

Bunning (R), Not Voting; McConnell (R), No.

Landrieu (D), Yes; Vitter (R), No.

Collins (R), Yes; Snowe (R), Yes.

Cardin (D), Yes; Mikulski (D), Yes.

Brown (R), Yes; Kerry (D), Yes.

Levin (D), Yes; Stabenow (D), Yes.

Franken (D), Yes; Klobuchar (D), Yes.

Cochran (R), No; Wicker (R), No.

Bond (R), No; McCaskill (D), Yes.

Baucus (D), Yes; Tester (D), Yes.

Johanns (R), No; Nelson (D), Yes.

Ensign (R), Yes; Reid (D), Yes.

Gregg (R), Not Voting; Shaheen (D), Yes.

Lautenberg (D), Yes; Menendez (D), Yes.

Bingaman (D), Yes; Udall (D), Yes.

Gillibrand (D), Yes; Schumer (D), Yes.

Burr (R), Yes; Hagan (D), Yes.

Conrad (D), Yes; Dorgan (D), Yes.

Brown (D), Yes; Voinovich (R), Yes.

Coburn (R), No; Inhofe (R), No.

Merkley (D), Yes; Wyden (D), Yes.

Casey (D), Yes; Specter (D), Yes.

Reed (D), Yes; Whitehouse (D), Yes.

DeMint (R), No; Graham (R), No.

Johnson (D), Yes; Thune (R), No.

Alexander (R), No; Corker (R), No.

Cornyn (R), No; Hutchison (R), No.

Bennett (R), No; Hatch (R), Not Voting.

Leahy (D), Yes; Sanders (I), Yes.

Warner (D), Yes; Webb (D), Yes.

Cantwell (D), Yes; Murray (D), Yes.

Manchin (D), Not Voting; Rockefeller (D), Yes.

Feingold (D), Yes; Kohl (D), Yes.

Barrasso (R), No; Enzi (R), No.