This July 7, 2016 photo shows the mermaid sand sculpture in front of Salty's Seafood Restaurant in West Yarmouth, Mass. Here, the sand sculpture is under a small tent enclosure outside the restaurant and is part of a larger collection of sculptures throughout Yarmouth. (AP/Cape Cod Times)
A busty mermaid sculpted from sand and placed outside a popular Cape Cod restaurant is raising eyebrows and triggering complaints.
The town of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, and the local Chamber of Commerce say they fielded complaints from locals about the exaggerated proportions of the mermaid's chest. Yarmouth's police department took down photos of the sculpture from its Facebook page after residents said they found the work of art offensive.
The mermaid clad in a clamshell bikini is one of 41 sand sculptures placed around town as part of the annual Yarmouth Summer Celebration.
Salty's restaurant owner Raymond Roy tells the Cape Cod Times he's surprised at the fuss.
Roy says the mermaid isn't nude and shouldn't be censored.