
Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling has concluded his meeting with Rhode Island's economic development agency on the finances of his troubled video game company.

Schilling and the Economic Development Corp. had a closed-door meeting on 38 Studios on Monday. Leaving the meeting, Schilling said only that there is so much misinformation circulating that he couldn't begin to clear it up with a sound bite. He said he would speak directly about the situation when he's able.

Schilling last week asked the board to help keep the company afloat. The board didn't act on that request. It was not known if the board would take action Monday.

38 Studios moved to Rhode Island from Massachusetts in 2010 after the state offered a $75 million loan guarantee that officials said would mean new jobs and tax revenue.

The company was late on a $1.1 million payment to the EDC and told officials it would not be able to make payroll last week.