Reaction to Monday's involuntary manslaughter conviction of Dr. Conrad Murray in the death of Michael Jackson:
— "Michael was looking over us." — Jackson's sister La Toya Jackson speaking to an Associated Press reporter on the way out of the courtroom.
— "I feel better now." Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, who says she was confident this would be the outcome of the trial.
— "Justice was done," family patriarch Joe Jackson as he was leaving the courthouse.
— "Absolutely justice was served," La Toya Jackson upon leaving the courthouse.
— "This man didn't deserve this. They needed a scapegoat." — Former Murray patient and current friend, Donna DiGiacomo, 53, in Las Vegas. DiGiacomo sobbed as she spoke of the verdict and what she said she thought was "overwhelming pressure to convict."
— "I think that unfortunately, because of AB109, that a completely potentially failed system is now in place. It will be very difficult to achieve an appropriate sentence of incarceration for Dr. Conrad Murray." — Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley, in a post-verdict news conference, referring to California's prison realignment program, which makes it unlikely that Murray will receive the maximum four-year prison term.
— "Our sympathies go out to the Jackson family at this time for the loss that they have suffered — not a pop icon but a son and a brother — and I think that's the most important thing to keep in mind today." — Deputy District Attorney David Walgren, the case prosecutor, in a post-verdict news conference.
— "The defense lawyers should be cited for misrepresenting the truth about Michael's Demerol use and the deliberate misinterpretation of my medical records which caused confusion and wrongly placed blame on me. Put simply they lied. Any sentencing Murray would get would be less than if he had stolen my car. It's time to find out who allowed this incompetent individual to be Michael Jackson's doctor." — Dr. Arnold Klein, Jackson's longtime dermatologist, who was an element in the trial although he wasn't charged with any wrongdoing and wasn't a witness.
— "Certainly I feel that more punishment could and should have been served but I am pleased that this jury didn't blame Michael for his own death. ... I feel that Dr. Murray and others who benefited from Michael but didn't protect him got off relatively lightly. Michael lost his life and we lost one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived. I lost a friend and will never forget him." — Rev. Al Sharpton, a friend of the Jackson family.
— "The Estate of Michael Jackson and Michael himself has always believed the jury system works and despite the tragedy that brought about this trial we are in agreement with the jury's verdict. In this case justice has been served. Michael is missed on a daily basis but his genius and his music will be with us forever." — Jackson's estate.
— "Dr. Murray murdered Michael Jackson and the world now sees that. This (verdict) means more to me than anything. I'm ecstatic." — Jackson fan Tina Masters, 41, of Long Beach, standing outside the courtroom.
— "It's just a big sigh of relief. This is a big day and one we won't forget." — Jackson supporter Robby Reverb, 49, outside the courthouse.