
A man allegedly planning to hurt police was arrested at Comicon in Phoenix, Arizona on Thursday armed with four guns and several knives.

The man had been taking and posting photos of police officers on social media, Phoenix police spokeswoman Sgt. Mercedes Fortune told AZ Central. He was arrested after a woman who knows him alerted officials to his activities.

The name of the 30-year-old man was not released.

He arrived at the entertainment and comic convention with three handguns, one shotgun and the knives. The move prompted authorities to immediately change the security measures in place for the four-day affair.


There will be additional screening and security that will decrease entry points to the venue, possibly causing delays. Prop weapons, which were previously allowed to be brought on site pending security screening, will now be banned effective Friday.

The man was wearing all black at the time of the incident but police couldn’t determine if he was dressed in a costume.

"This is a great win for the Phoenix Police Department in showing that we as a community work so well with the information that is provided to us," Fortune stated. "You always hear us say, if you see something, say something, this is a great example of that: This person saw some behavior that was suspicious. She was receiving information, and she alerted law enforcement."

No injuries were reported.