
A Roman Catholic church official facing a child sex-abuse trial in Philadelphia Monday wants a new jury seated because of publicity over a co-defendant's guilty plea.

Lawyers for Monsignor William Lynn say defrocked priest Edward Avery's plea Thursday may influence jurors.

Lynn is charged with child endangerment and conspiracy for allegedly failing to remove Avery and another accused priest from ministry.

Six men and six women have been seated on the jury and advised not to read about the case.

Common Pleas Judge M. Teresa Sarmina could question them Monday about the news coverage.

The 61-year-old Lynn is the first U.S. church official ever charged for his administrative actions.

Avery will serve 2-1/2 to five years after admitting he assaulted a 10-year-old altar boy in 1999.

He has not agreed to cooperate.