
God is adored 24/7 at this Oklahoma church.

For nearly the past decade the chapel at St. Joseph’s Church in the city of Norman has had someone in the sanctuary deep in prayer every hour of every day as part of a “Perpetual Adoration” program.

Deacon Jeff Willard told the Bluefield Daily Telegraph that he thought the program would only last six months when it was started back in 2003 on Ash Wednesday.

At least one volunteer is in the chapel for an hour at a time, ‘round the clock, fulfilling the commitment of perpetual adoration.

“I personally feel more of a closeness to people. It seems people are a little happier,” Deanna Hames, a charter volunteer told the newspaper.

Hames said the church sometimes receives special requests for prayer and recalled how she recently received one such call for a man who had been diagnosed with cancer.

The church also receives prayer requests for those serving in the military.

The only exception to not fulfilling an hour of perpetual adoration is when the weather in inclement and the roads too dangerous to drive.

Parishioner Kathy Irwin told the Daily Telegraph that the church has had difficulty filling spots for early morning hours and weekends.

“I don’t think Jesus ever told us praying would be easy,” Irwin said.

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