
An Ohio man admits he attacked his wife's lover and bit off part of the man's ear after finding the pair in bed together.

Virgil Bates III told a judge in Toledo that he went home in June to find out if his wife was lying about breaking off an affair.

The 40-year-old Bates says he found them in bed and put his wife's lover in a headlock. He told the judge the man bit his arm and that's when he bit back.

Bates pleaded guilty to aggravated assault Monday.

An assistant prosecutor says the top part of the victim's ear couldn't be repaired and his medical treatment was "extremely painful."

Prosecutors tell The Blade newspaper (http://bit.ly/1PxgNTz ) that they'll recommend probation and time at a correctional treatment facility for Bates.


Information from: The Blade, http://www.toledoblade.com/