
The Dalai Lama didn't curse at a Brown University event, the college swears — even if the closed captioning said differently.

A closing comment Wednesday by the Dalai Lama was mistaken for a profanity by the person transcribing his remarks for closed captioning at a speech on peace.

The exiled Tibetan leader urged listeners to share his thoughts with others if they found them interesting. If not, he said, they could "forget."

The closed captioning on a large screen at the Rhode Island Convention Center transcribed the remark as an expletive.

Some in the audience also believed the Dalai Lama, who has a strong accent, had used a profane phrase. Questions have arisen previously over the same comment in other venues.

A Brown spokeswoman confirmed the Dalai Lama said "forget" and said the closed captioning that appeared was an error.