
Each of us expresses our emotions differently -- especially love. This Sunday, when we’re celebrating the mothers in our lives, the gifts we choose to give might be based on geography.

That’s what The Trade Desk, a platform that manages digital advertising, discovered when the company researched Mother’s Day trends around the country. While gift-givers in the Northeast are focused on traveling and fitness, shoppers in the West are more apt to love movies, pets and the beach. Gardening accessories are popular presents in both regions, though they’re especially favored by Northeasterners. For Westerners, gardening accessories are the fifth most popular gift, while the top slot goes to spa days.

Related: From Elon Musk to Richard Branson: What These 5 Famous Leaders Learned From Their Mothers

Flowers, perfume and desserts are also winners for the holiday. Want to see how it’s done in the South or Midwest? Check out the infographic below.