Meth was found in a child's Halloween candy in Wisconsin. (MENOMINEE TRIBAL POLICE)
A parent on the Menominee reservation found a packet of meth among her child’s trick-or-treat Halloween candy.
The parent turned the small packet of crystal powder over to police early Monday and officers say it tested positive for meth. The child did not ingest the powder that was wrapped inside a small Ziploc baggy.
The incident occurred on Sunday during a Halloween event in the downtown area of the reservation and it is unclear if the meth was dropping in the bag intentionally or by accident.
Menominee Tribal Police are urging parents to check their children’s candy if they have been trick or treating in the Keshena area on the Menominee reservation.
"It is a Ziploc bag. Unfortunately Ziploc baggies can open up, we don't know if there's more out there. Right now this is an isolated incident, but if there was more out there, if it does get through the Ziploc baggies and kids are touching this candy, that can be very dangerous to them. Even the parents," Joshua Lawe, a Menominee Tribal Police detective, said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report