
The husband of one of the three victims of a shooting at two Jewish sites in Kansas filed a lawsuit Monday over the sale of the shotguns used in the attack.

Jim LaManno filed the lawsuit in Jackson County Circuit Court in Missouri. He names Walmart and several other entities in the suit, the Kansas City Star reported.

Frazier Glenn Miller Jr., 75, was sentenced to death last year for the shooting that killed LaManno's wife, Terri, 53, at the Village Shalom retirement home in Overland Park. William Corporon, 69, and his 14-year-old grandson, Reat Underwood, were killed at the nearby Jewish Community Center.

Jim LaManno’s lawsuit alleges that Miller, a felon prohibited from purchasing guns, used two weapons that were purchased by his friend John Mark Reidle. Reidle allegedly bought one of the weapons at a gun show and the other at Walmart.

Reidle was sentenced to five years of probation for falsely claiming he was buying one of the shotguns for himself on a federal form that was filed out at a Missouri Walmart days before the shooting. Miller claimed the gun was a present for his son and asked Reidle to fill out the form, according to the plea agreement.

Reidle told investigators that Miller asked for help with the purchase because he didn’t have any identification on him.

The suit also said Reidle and Miller attended a Springfield gun show in October 2013, where Reidle brought at least one firearm. Based on the men’s remarks and behavior, employees at Friendly Firearms LLC “knew, had reason to know, or recklessly failed to know that Miller was not lawfully entitled to purchase or possess a firearm,” the lawsuit said.

The victims' family and friends gathered at the Jewish center Tuesday to dedicate a memorial, part of a weeklong series of events meant to foster kindness and interfaith dialogue.

The memorial includes a sculpture attached to an outside wall of the center, featuring three waves of intertwined steel strands that cast different reflections as the sun moves. The theme, "Ripples," is meant to reflect how the victims' lives affected others and that all people are interconnected. The memorial also includes a plaque with pictures of the three victims.

"Hate has no place here," Ace Allen, board chairman of the center, told the nearly 80 people at Tuesday's ceremony. "We honor them by doing the opposite of destroying, by building, by creating."

Mindy Corporon, mother of one victim and the daughter of another, read from a journal entry that recalled the tragedy as a "loud explosion that rocked our world. As we pick ourselves up from the rubble, we look for survivors like us. Here we stand, walk and pray. But not alone. Together."

Miller, a noted white supremacist, has said the shooting was part of his duty to stop genocide against the white race. None of the victims were Jewish.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.