
Attorneys are seeking a new trial for a Saudi Arabian air force sergeant who faces 35 years in Nevada state prison for his conviction in the rape of a 13-year-old California boy at a Las Vegas Strip hotel.

Sentencing for 25-year-old Mazen Alotaibi (MAH'-zen ah-loh-TAH'-bee) has been postponed several times since a jury found him guilty in October of kidnapping and forcing sex on the boy in the bathroom of a room at the Circus Circus on New Year's Eve 2012.

Alotaibi is being held at the Clark County jail in Las Vegas.

A judge is scheduled to hear arguments June 12 on Alotaibi's attorneys' claims that a witness recanted key testimony about how drunk Alotaibi was — and whether Alotaibi could legally form any intent to attack the boy.