
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Attorneys for a prison inmate accused of killing a guard while escaping from a Salt Lake City medical center are seeking to cover his neo-Nazi tattoos during his trial.

The attorneys say they want the tattoos on Curtis Michael Allgier's face, head, neck and hands covered up to ensure he gets a fair trial.

The tattoos also include swastikas and the words "Skin Head" written across his forehead.

The defense motion, filed late last month, doesn't specify how the white supremacist's attorneys propose to cover the tattoos.

The 30-year-old Allgier is charged with capital murder for allegedly shooting 60-year-old Stephen Anderson in June 2007 after Anderson unshackled Allgier for an MRI scan.


Information from: The Salt Lake Tribune, http://www.sltrib.com