Krauthammer's take: Is left making Americans anti-American?
Between Hollywood liberals and freedom speech becoming an endangered species on college campuses, is the left promoting anti-American philosophies? Syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer sounds off #Tucker
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer told Fox News Monday night that American students are being taught "about all of the pathologies of the United States and very little of the glories."
Krauthammer was reacting to a Fox News Poll released last week, in which 45 percent of voters said they were not proud of the United States. When the voters were broken down by party, just 39 percent of Democrats said they were proud of the United States.
Krauthammer explained on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" that lack of American pride represented in the poll originated with the counter-cultural left in the 1960s.
"They weren’t just out there rioting and sitting in, they went into the professions – the teaching professions, and they’ve essentially taken over," Krauthammer said. "That generation of radicals runs the universities, they run the teachers’ unions, they run the curricula."
Krauthammer went on to say that the antipathy bred by educators could have devastating consequences for the future of the United States.
"In the end what brings civilizations down is when the elites lose confidence in the rightness of their cause," he said. "We need a new generation of teachers who are not committed to this ... history of the sins of our ancestors.
"Look, every civilization is founded on sins, every single one," Krauthammer added. "Dispossession, violence, appropriation. What distinguishes civilizations are the ones who rise above it."