
A cadre of "lactivists" took to the streets in Forest Park, Ga., to revolt against a new city ordinance that prohibits breastfeeding children ages 2 and older in public, MyFoxAtlanta.com reported. The city council passed the ordinance a month ago hoping to cut down on public nudity.

The protesters, who were comprised of dozens of women and their young children, cited the health benefits for both the child and mother when breastfeeding goes on until toddlerhood. The protest was called a "nurse-in," and it was staged Monday in front of Forest Park City Hall, the station reported.

“It doesn’t matter what age the child is,” Dana Gemer, who was with her 21-month-old son, told the station. “It should be the mother’s choice, or the child’s choice.”

City officials brushed off the protest, citing other cities with similar rules.

“You need to check ordinances in other jurisdictions," John Parker, the city manager said. “You’ll find the same verbiage exists in those, too.”