
Seven divers recently spent a week descending to the bottom of Lake Huron to officially document for the first time the wreckage of a plane piloted by a member of the famed Tuskegee Airmen.

For them, it was a labor of love.

The team included five members of Diving with a Purpose, a nonprofit that works to conserve and protect maritime history with an emphasis on African-American contributions. The Tuskegee Airmen were the U.S. military's first black aviators.

DWP member Jay Haigler (HAY'-gler) says the remnants of the P-39 that crashed during a training exercise brought tears to his eyes.

Its pilot, 2nd Lt. Frank Moody, was killed in the 1944 crash near Port Huron. The wreckage was discovered a year ago, but hadn't been formally documented until the August expedition.