
A Denver woman was allegedly tortured and held hostage for two months inside her own home, Fox 31 reports.

The woman, who has not been publicly identified, told police that her boyfriend, Eric Barney, held her hostage for two months, threatening to kill her and her family if she tried to break free, according to the station.

Police reportedly first met the victim in July when she was treated at a local hospital for injuries sustained during an alleged beating by her boyfriend. The victim told police that Barney had tried to kill her by strangling her and smothering her with a pillow, authorities said.

Police then issued an arrest warrant for Barney but were unable to find him. Four days later, he allegedly broke into the victim's home while she was sleeping, holding her captive for two months, the station reports.

The woman was able to break free from the home two weeks ago and notify police. When authorities arrived at the home, they reportedly found blood-stained walls and mattresses.

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    The victim told police that "the suspect would force her to stay in her bedroom unless he gave her permission, including times when she needed to use the rest room."

    She also said that Barney kept a kitchen knife nearby and threatened to kill her if she tried to contact police.

    Barney, who is being held in a Denver jail, faces charges of assault, kidnapping, false imprisonment and other charges. He has a long history of domestic violence assaults, including a first-degree murder charge in 2004, according to the station.

    Click for more on this story from Fox 31.