
A coldhearted dad from China forced his nearly naked 4-year-old son to run around and do pushups in the New York snow despite the boy’s crying pleas to stop — drawing international outrage from angry viewers who saw the video online.

Wearing nothing but athletic shoes and a pair of yellow briefs on what was a bitterly cold day last month, young He Yide is seen begging his father to pick him up while the pitiless papa urges him to run faster through the snow.

The father, He Liesheng, 44, a Nanjing businessman, shot the video while vacationing in New York.

He said he is taking an “eagle dad” approach to raising his son, who was born prematurely with a host of medical problems.

“When the old eagle teaches its young, it takes the young eagles to the cliffside, beats them, and pushes them to teach them to use their wings,” He told a Chinese newspaper.

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