
A New York City rabbi who publicizes claims of child sexual abuse in the ultra-Orthodox community is hospitalized after someone threw an unknown chemical at him.

Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg told The New York Times (http://nyti.ms/ZcOUZL ) a man he recognized tossed the liquid in his face as he walked in Brooklyn's Williamsburg section Tuesday.

Police say the two were involved in an "ongoing dispute." No arrest has been made.

Rosenberg runs a website that publicizes child sexual abuse victims in the Satmar Hasidic community.

On Monday, a prominent member of Brooklyn's Satmar Hasidic community, Nechemya Weberman, was convicted of repeatedly sexually abusing a girl that had come to him for counseling.

Rosenberg says he believed the attack was connected to the verdict. Police say there didn't appear to be any connection.


Information from: The New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com