
A cat is heading back home after spending time in quarantine following an attack on its central Florida owners that prompted a 911 call.

Police says the Russian blue cat named Kush went berserk inside a DeLand home July 5, scratching owners Teresa and James Gregory on their arms and legs. The couple retreated to a bedroom and called 911.

Kush was taken to an animal shelter for 10 days. The Daytona News-Journal (http://bit.ly/1nzDOES) reports Kush was well-behaved during the quarantine.

DeLand animal control officer Michelle Realander says the Gregorys had been leaning toward giving the cat up, but changed their minds. She says the cat will go to a veterinarian for vaccinations and then to be spayed before going home.

Authorities say the cat was apparently well-behaved before the attack.


Information from: Daytona Beach (Fla.) News-Journal, http://www.news-journalonline.com