
A cargo ship reported to have been carrying around 2,000 tons of steel remains floating upside down in the English Channel on Wednesday after colliding with a fishing vessel.

Images released by the French Navy show the underside of the 270-foot long Maltese-flagged freighter Britannica HAV drifting about 50 nautical miles northeast of Cherbourg, France.

The ship struck the Belgian-flagged Deborah fishing vessel on Tuesday and all seven of its crew members evacuated on life rafts before being scooped up by a French Navy helicopter, gCaptain reported.

It was not immediately clear what caused the collision. Only the captain of the fishing boat was hurt, suffering a minor head injury, according to gCaptain.

The French Navy said the cargo ship took damage on the port side at its center and four 15-by 20-footboards from the vessel were seen floating in the water.

A French rescue tugboat and French coastal police have been sent to monitor the wreck.