
Republicans will debate in the key state of Florida tonight in a battle between Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Ted Cruz.

Donald Trump gave an interview to Anderson Cooper last night that had some good sound for us to use today.

Rubio is struggling after disappointing results Tuesday night where he didn’t get a single delegate. He apparently held a rally at a nearly empty stadium yesterday.

Rubio has not run a single campaign ad in Florida according to the Wall Street Journal which reports he’s relied there on Super Pacs.

New Fox polling has more bad news for the Florida senator in his home states. It has Trump beating Rubio by 43 to 20% in the Sunshine state.

Marco Rubio told Megyn Kelly he regretted the tone of his attacks on Donald Trump. He’s backed away from vitriolic attacks against Donald Trump that now appear to have backfired.

Those Fox News polls have better news for John Kasich and his home state of Ohio. Kasich beats Trump 34 to 29% there according to our new polling. If Kasich wins Ohio, Donald Trump would need to get 59% of the remaining delegates to secure the nomination before the convention.

Still Donald Trump is the front runner riding momentum at this moment. Trip Gabriel writes today in the New York Times:

“But Mr. Trump gained something even more valuable than delegates on Tuesday: momentum as the race heads into a watershed moment, March 15, when the first states that award delegates winner-take-all hold their primaries. They include Senator Marco Rubio's home state, Florida, and Gov. John Kasich's, Ohio. Both men have their backs to the wall, fighting for their political lives.”

The Democrats had a lively debate hosted by Univision last night that focused on who would be more liberal on illegal immigration.

Clinton slammed Sanders over his votes during the financial collapse. Bernie accused Clinton of distorting his record. He also reiterated his claims that Clinton was indebted to Wall Street.

Host Jorge Ramos asked Hillary Clinton if she would drop out if she was indicted. She dismissed his question, “Oh for goodness (sake), that is not going to happen. I’m not even going to answer that question.”

Here’s how the Washington Post writer Dan Balz put it today “Democrats got a taste Wednesday night of where their nominating contest between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders could be heading - toward a grueling and increasingly contentious battle that could continue until the primaries end in June. Sanders said his close victory in Michigan is evidence his message is resonating. But Clinton now has more delegates than Barack Obama did against her in 2008. She also has more than half the delegates needed to secure the nomination. ”

Still, Sanders is likely to keep up the pressure all the way to the convention.

1100EST -- Sen Sanders holds a rally. Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL. LIVE via LiveU

1200EST -- Hillary Clinton holds a rally. The Ritz Ybor, Tampa FL. LIVE via LiveU

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be at the White House today for a state visit. It includes a state dinner and a joint news conference (the first full state visit for the Canadians since 1997). The joint news conference in English and French is set for 11:40am ET. We will take it live.

1140EST -- POTUS holds a joint press conference with PM Trudeau. LIVE

Prosecutors in Brazil charged the popular former President with hiding an ownership interest in an apartment building.

There’s a big decision coming from the European Central Bank today on interest rates. It could move the markets.

We get weekly jobless numbers today.s

For more news, follow me on Twitter: @ClintPHenderson