
An Associated Press investigation has found that student-on-student sexual assault in the U.S. is perhaps nowhere as dismissed or as camouflaged as in boys' sports.

Records show boys have suffered serious injury and trauma, yet cases often are minimized as "hazing."

The AP examined more than 300 cases of student-on-student sexual violence that surfaced through law enforcement records, lawsuits, interviews and news accounts. The sports setting emerged in those cases as a leading venue for such attacks.

Experts say the last decade has seen an escalation into sexual violence on high school and even middle school teams.

The review is part of AP's larger look at student-on-student sex assaults. Analyzing state education records, supplemented by federal crime data, AP found about 17,000 official reports of sex assaults by students in grades K-12 during a recent four-year period.


If you have a tip, comment or story to share about student-on-student sexual assault at K-12 schools, please email: schoolhousesexassault@ap.org